The Mobile Phone EMR

Almost everything in this world has its pros and cons. The same is true for the Mobile Communication technology. Even Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the first telephone, wouldn’t have imagined in his wildest dreams that telephone technology would go this far! and here we are with a cell-phone in every hand making our lives simpler and easier to be in contact with whoever we desire. The effect of mobile phone radiation on human health is the subject of recent interest.

The Mobile Phone.

Mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone, and a mobile phone) is a phone which can received every conversation from wave length by satellite & without any cord. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. 

History of Mobile Phone.

Martin Cooper is the first inventor of mobile phone & in large scale manufactured by Motorola Company in 1973.

Mobile Phone Communication

Mobile Radiation

Cell phones emit signals via radio waves, like televisions, alarm systems, computers, and all other electrical devices, mobile phones are radio devices that use Radiofrequency (RF) energy emit electromagnetic radiation. They operate at a relatively low power by transmitting and receiving electromagnetic radiation in the radiofrequency (RF) end of the spectrum.

Electromagnetic radiation is made up of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving at the speed of light.

The main health concerns associated with mobile phone use include:

Brain tumors:

There have been studies suggesting a link between long-term mobile phone use and an increased risk of brain tumors. However, the evidence for this link is still inconclusive and more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between mobile phone use and brain tumors.Headaches and other symptoms: Some people may experience headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms after using their mobile phones for extended periods of time. This is often referred to as "cell phone headache" or "cell phone sickness." However, the causes of these symptoms are not yet clear and may be related to other factors, such as eye strain and stress

Sleep disturbance:

The blue light emitted by mobile phones can disrupt the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. This can make it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep, leading to fatigue and other health problems.

Eyestrain and visual discomfort:

Staring at a mobile phone screen for extended periods of time can cause eye strain and visual discomfort, leading to symptoms such as headaches, dry eyes, and blurred vision.

Interference with medical devices:

The non-ionizing radiation emitted by mobile phones can interfere with the functioning of medical devices, such as pacemakers and hearing aids.

Radiation exposure:

The non-ionizing radiation emitted by mobile phones is considered safe by health agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). However, some people are still concerned about the potential health effects of long-term exposure to this type of radiation. In conclusion, while the evidence for the long term negative health impacts of mobile phone use is still being researched, it's important to use your phone in moderation and to follow guidelines for safe mobile phone use. This includes the use of radiation nulifiers, like The Kelandrews Radi-masterKelandrews Energy Pendant & Bracelet. Aside these, we may have to consider strict regulations like these.  _abdul aziz