Our Partners, Associates & Customers

As a dedicated to growth we already laised with the big names and industry players, our products are gone beyond approval, they have been accepted, endorsed and being used by gaints in Ghana


Proudly, the entire fleet of empomart official vehicles have the service installed.
All kelandrews products are also available on the ecommerce platform.

State Transport Company

In a few weeks to come, every STC vehicle will have the technologies installed in order to cut down fuel consumption.

Certified Electrical Wiring Profesional Association
of Ghana

We have currently trained certified electrical wiring profesional always on standby for installation and technical assistance.

Ghana Hotels Association

With a memorandum of agreement, the Ghana Hotels Association is laised with Kelandrews to enable installation of the technology  for all member hotels.

Ghana Electrical Contractors Association.

As an Electrical Engineering company, partnering with sector players is important to us. 
Our products have been endorsed and approved of by the GECA and are already available in  a few of  GECAs' regional offices, while we are rolling out nationwide soon.